By Jodi Hicks The holidays have officially ended, school is back in session and a new year has begun. In our house a new year means we take time to evaluate priorities and set intentions for the new journey ahead. As perfect as that sounds, the process isn’t perfect....
Written by Melanie A. Madsen Thatcher “Be consistent, eat well, and keep moving forward.” -Darcy Piceu UltrAspire Elite Immortal Athlete, Darcy Picau has earned a place of one of the world’s great athletes. Darcy holds the OVERALL (male and female)...
Each year I set specific performing goals for all aspects of my life that include major physical challenges over and above regular training. Since my time must be divided between roles as a father of 5, a husband and a company president, this leaves time for only 3 or...
I am on a “need to know basis” with the details of my schedule these days. If information isn’t immediately necessary for the conduct of my official duties as mother to a 6-year old and a new baby, I don’t have it. Where am I running this weekend? That’s “need to...
UltrAspire, the first name in innovation, is committed to assisting all types of athletes, particularly those who engage in running, ultra running, triathlon, cycling and other endurance events, in knowing what their choices are. How to select and use the best and...
The journey of the Ultra-Athlete begins with desire, a compelling need to go beyond the last point of return…and then some…and more…and so on, and so on…
In a world with the possibility of endless power and potential – You supply the Aspiration, we’ll supply the water bottles, running belts, running vests, and triathlon gear to keep the perspiration flowing.