It was on the Idaho side of theTetons that a young man found his love for the outdoors. Bryce Thatcher knew early on that he wanted to build a life immersed in the trails and mountains. Bryce would charge through the Tetons with his lifeline (his backpack)and would run with the straps in hand to keep it securely against his back and pushed as long and as hard as possible until he felt like he was going to collapse, at which point he would stop to drink. He would guzzle an entire bottle of water or apple juice which would slosh in his stomach and ultimately slow him down. For someone who deeply enjoyed moving quickly through the mountains, this was counter-intuitive. From this, an idea was born, what if he could access his fluids without ever taking the backpack off? What if there was a way to comfortably carry equipment without chafing or having the backpack bounce all over. These would be the thoughts that revolutionized the efficiency and performance of endurance athletes to this present day.

The Momentum 2.0 Grand Teton Limited Edition celebrates the UltrAspire 10 year anniversary paying homage to the Grand Tetons where Bryce Thatcher first found his passion for the mountains and an outdoor lifestyle. This passion led him to challenging himself to be faster and more efficient while mountain running, and it was through this process that he introduced the first ever hydration pack built for performance. Using this early innovation, he secured the Fastest Known Time (FKT) on the Grand Teton which stood for 29 years before being broken by Killian Jornet. Throughout the years, Bryce Thatcher introduced countless industry firsts working with athletes in order to reach new athletic heights and drive the hydration industry forward. For this, he has garnered the nickname the “Father of Hydration” and his designs continue to aid thousands of runners around the world. This year we celebrate that passion for innovation, adventure, and the steadfast belief that we are truly capable of anything we dedicate ourselves to.
The Grand Teton artwork for this piece was done by Lauren Lomprey (thedoodlingnomad) who loved the idea and did a phenomenal job capturing the beauty and essence of our story through her unique art style.
You can view the Grand Teton Limited Edition Race Vest here: https://ultraspire.com/products/momentum-2-0-grand-teton-limited-edition/