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Virtual Half Marathon

May 23, 2020

This is the inaugural UltrAspire Virtual Half Marathon. Run it your way. Run on a treadmill, around your house, or in your backyard. To participate, run a half marathon on the race day and submit your run in the form linked below. Three random qualifying participants will receive a prize package.

Run a half marathon for a chance to win.

3 random qualifying participants will receive a prize package.

Prize Package 1

Prize Package 2

Prize Package 3

Amanda Basham Running

How to Qualify

  1. Join the UltrAspire Strava Group
  2. Record a 13.1 mile run on Strava on Saturday May 23, 2020.
  3. Submit your run with this form before Monday May 25, 2020.
    • Paste your run’s URL into the field labeled “Run Data Link”
Submit Your Run

Congratulations to the following winners:

  1. Greg Wilson
  2. Sabine Lam
  3. Derek Coulter

Download and Print your Finisher's Certificate