An Inside Look at Coach and Ultramarathoner Ian Sharman

An Inside Look at Coach and Ultramarathoner Ian Sharman

  Ian has been racing around the world in all styles of event since 2005 and coaching since 2010, having run around 200 ultras and marathons (PR: 2:21) in every type of weather and on all terrain. Ian has won around 50 multi-day races, road marathons, trail...
Active Recovery.. Why Resting Hard Equals Big Gains

Active Recovery.. Why Resting Hard Equals Big Gains

  Ian Sharman has been racing around the world in all styles of event since 2005 and coaching since 2010, having run around 200 ultras and marathons (PR: 2:21) in every type of weather and on all terrain. Ian has won around 50 multi-day races, road marathons,...
The Benefits of having a Fitness Coach with Bree Lambert

The Benefits of having a Fitness Coach with Bree Lambert

“You have to be willing to allow someone else to peel back the layers” -Bree Lambert Achieving personal milestones of accomplishment and ascending to the next level is a thrill, and we have all felt it. Someone who understands this feeling as much as...
Life Balance as an Ultra Athlete with Ty Draney

Life Balance as an Ultra Athlete with Ty Draney

“He who isn’t flexible gets bent out of shape”   Ty Draney is an Ultra Athlete who has more than a few things on his plate. Being a full time teacher, part time coach, full time father and husband while training for a race is no easy task. We...