“Find the Love in Running.” Have you ever wanted to start something new? That familiar feeling of excitement and eagerness to just get started, until it comes to actually doing so and you realize that you are unsure of where to begin? Well you’re...
If it is fitted: There are two measurements that are changed when going from a one size to the next in a race vest. Both the torso length and girth or dimensions around the chest and torso. The larger the vest, the longer the torso and the larger the girth. The best...
Written by Melanie A. Madsen Thatcher “Be consistent, eat well, and keep moving forward.” -Darcy Piceu UltrAspire Elite Immortal Athlete, Darcy Picau has earned a place of one of the world’s great athletes. Darcy holds the OVERALL (male and female)...
Written by Bryce Thatcher- Developing of the first race vest. Though this category seems so mainstream, in the early days very few utilized the advantage of a race vest. I had yet another magical day running in the Tushar Mountain’s located near Beaver Utah,...
Each year I set specific performing goals for all aspects of my life that include major physical challenges over and above regular training. Since my time must be divided between roles as a father of 5, a husband and a company president, this leaves time for only 3 or...
I am on a “need to know basis” with the details of my schedule these days. If information isn’t immediately necessary for the conduct of my official duties as mother to a 6-year old and a new baby, I don’t have it. Where am I running this weekend? That’s “need to...
The journey of the Ultra-Athlete begins with desire, a compelling need to go beyond the last point of return…and then some…and more…and so on, and so on…
In a world with the possibility of endless power and potential – You supply the Aspiration, we’ll supply the water bottles, running belts, running vests, and triathlon gear to keep the perspiration flowing.