For years, running in the Grand Tetons, I carried a glass Mason® or Kerr® jar in my hand. This activity inspired, or perhaps compelled me to invent both the hand held hydration pack and the first screw top cap on a squeezable sports bottle. Virtually every hand...
True legends are born of tall tales and feats barely within the conceivable realm of possibility, verging on the miraculous, yet tied to some actual event and/or location, believed with awe by many, and doubted by countless skeptics and unbelievers for the seemingly...
Running Times Magazine is running an article in their March 2013 issue which discusses the fervor surrounding the issue of Fastest Known Times (FKTs) and the debate about how to properly catalog and report such times. The article is entitled Records Not Races Is the...
Runners World magazine is one of the most commonly read publications for new news and insights in the running arena. Wether you are a Ultra Marathon runner, Regular Marathon Runner, Half Marathon runner, Trail Running enthusiast, you have all read a Runners World...
I reached the finish line of my symbolic 100-day diet at midnight on November 17th. No finish banner…no belt buckle…no cheering crowd…just me weighing 38 pounds less than I did on August 10th. Over the course of just 100 days, each one a symbolic mile on the Wasatch...
SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: ETIQUETTE, ETHICS AND FASTEST KNOWN TIMES (FKT’s) Many have looked to me to answer some questions as to what, if any, rules should be adopted when approaching “fastest known times” (FKT). A FKT without more definition is...
The journey of the Ultra-Athlete begins with desire, a compelling need to go beyond the last point of return…and then some…and more…and so on, and so on…
In a world with the possibility of endless power and potential – You supply the Aspiration, we’ll supply the water bottles, running belts, running vests, and triathlon gear to keep the perspiration flowing.