Athletes continue pushing the limits of what we think is possible in this sport. With each new FKT, race time, mountain summit route, etc, we know that eventually.. someday.. someone else will come along to challenge and eventually better the time, or distance. We...
I am on a “need to know basis” with the details of my schedule these days. If information isn’t immediately necessary for the conduct of my official duties as mother to a 6-year old and a new baby, I don’t have it. Where am I running this weekend? That’s “need to...
Hydration for Ultra Athletes
The journey of the Ultra-Athlete begins with desire, a compelling need to go beyond the last point of return…and then some…and more…and so on, and so on…
In a world with the possibility of endless power and potential – You supply the Aspiration, we’ll supply the water bottles, running belts, running vests, and triathlon gear to keep the perspiration flowing.